Writing on code, technology, web, IoT, cloud and how I’m teaching my kids to love technology.

All of my long-form thoughts collected in chronological order.

Installing and Configuring Azure Service Fabric on Your Development Machine

In my previous post I gave a brief introduction to Azure Service Fabric. This post in the series will focus on how to install Azure Service Fabric on your development machine. Prerequisites The easiest way to install Azure Service Fabric on your development machine is to use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. The Microsoft Web

Microservices with Azure Service Fabric

During the past months, I’ve been looking at the different options for hosting applications built with a microservices architecture. It was during this research phase that I discovered Azure Service Fabric. This post will serve as an introductory post for a series of post on how to build applications using Azure Service Fabric. Options for Building

Thoughts on Developers and Not Invented Here Syndrome

I’m often asked to build applications which are similar to existing applications built by third parties. This article will explore the Not Invented Here Syndrome and will try to answer the question of when to build and when to use existing solutions

A Day since I Promoted My Blog - Reactions & Feedback

I had started working on my blog at the beginning of November when I bought the domain and hosting. Yesterday was the day when I officially shared my blog for the first time with a wide audience. In this post, I’ll share my experience of going live with a blog. Preparation Now, this wasn’t my