Software Development

Solved: Azure Functions in Azure Container Apps - Unable to resolve service for type IHostingEnvironment while attempting to activate DefaultApplicationInsightsServiceConfigureOptions

As mentioned in my previous post I am currently switching my wife's eshop from Azure App Services to Azure Container Apps. The solution itself uses an Azure Functions project to perform asynchronous operations triggered via queued messages and uses Azure Application Insights for logging and monitoring.

Solved: Standalone React Project - The {directory} contains files that could conflict.

I recently came across this tutorial on the new standalone javascript projects in Visual Studio 2022 via this blog post courtesy of Scott Hanselman. I was excited with the prospect of having standalone javascript projects inside of Visual Studio. Unfortunately I couldn’t move past the first step of creating the project as I was getting

Thoughts on Developers and Not Invented Here Syndrome

I’m often asked to build applications which are similar to existing applications built by third parties. This article will explore the Not Invented Here Syndrome and will try to answer the question of when to build and when to use existing solutions